My source of inspiration is a newly popular narrative genre:rules-based urban legends, a branch of analog horror.
The rules-based urban legends are a type of Internet urban legends. Different from the usual narratives, rules-based urban legends appear in the format of highly logical rules, instructions, precautions, etc. It is generally similar to the common rules in life, but the content is often contradictory. This form of narratives take advantage of people's trust in the authority represented by "rules" and the common sense of "following the rules", adding unreasonable elements that are contrary to common sense, makes the viewer hesitate and reject whether to abide by the rules, which is the main factor that triggers the sense of fear.
I am attempting to integrate this narrative genre into the medium of games. The rules-based urban legends are pure text, I preliminarily think that making them in 3D, in terms of visual, can better break through the original way of expression, and produce richer interactions without departing from the original meaning.
Building Process
Player Characters
Gray ModelĀ - Level "Candy House"
Flow Chart
Unreal Engine 5
Set Dressing In UE5

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